Spark API in Depth
- pair RDDs
- Creating
- Basic pair RDD functions
- getting keys and values
- counting values per key
- looking up values for a single key
- using the mapValues transformation to change values in a pair RDD
- using the flatMapValues transformation to add values to keys
- using reduceByKey transformation to merge all values of a key
- using aggregateByKey to group all values of a key
- data partition and reducing data shuffling
- Repartitioning RDDs
- Joining, sorting, and grouping data
- Using accumulators and broadcast variables to communicate with Spark executors
- 总结
《Spark in Action》Chapter4
- DStream <- a seq of RDDs <- Partitions
- key-value RDD = pair RDD manipulated by
pair RDDs
key-value 模型是一种简单、通用的数据模型。
利用map将RDD中数据转换成二元组(f(element), element),即RDD->pair RDD。
Basic pair RDD functions
getting keys and values
1 | pRDD.keys.distinct.count() |
counting values per key
1 | pRDD.countByKey() |
looking up values for a single key
1 | transByCust.lookup(53) |
using the mapValues transformation to change values in a pair RDD
1 | transByCust = transByCust.mapValues(tran => { |
using the flatMapValues transformation to add values to keys
From each of the values in the return collection, a new key-value pair is created for the corresponding key.
1 | transByCust = transByCust.flatMapValues(tran => { |
using reduceByKey transformation to merge all values of a key
foldByKey 与 reduceByKey 类似,区别在于需要一个额外的 zeroValue 参数。
foldByKey(zeroValue: V)(func: (V, V) => V): RDD[(K, V)]
1 | val amounts = transByCust.mapValues(t => t(5).toDouble) |
using aggregateByKey to group all values of a key
data partition and reducing data shuffling
1 | println(transByProd.partitions.length) |
The number of RDD partitions is important because, in addition to influencing data distribution throughout the cluster, it also directly determines the number of tasks that will be running RDD transformations. If this number is too small, the cluster will be underutilized. Furthermore, memory problems could result, because working sets might get too big to fit into the memory of executors. We recommend using three to four times more partitions than there are cores in your cluster. Moderately larger values shouldn’t pose a problem, so feel free to experiment. But don’t get too crazy,because management of a large number of tasks could create a bottleneck.
using Spark’s data partitioners
partitionIndex = hashCode % numberOfPartitions
Understanding and avoiding unnecessary shuffling
Physical movement of data between partitions is called shuffling.
It occurs when data from multiple partitions needs to be combined in order to build partitions for a new RDD .When grouping elements by key,shuffling occurs.
When grouping elements by key,shuffling occurs.
Shuffling when explicitly(显式) changing partitioners
Because changing the partitioner provokes shuffles, the safest approach,performance-wise(性能优先), is to use a default partitioner as much as possible and avoidinadvertently causing a shuffle.
shuffing caused by partitions removal
Repartitioning RDDs
只有pair RDD可用,接受一个Partitioner作为参数;当此Partition与原先的不一样时,shuffle发生,重新分片。
collecting partition data with a glom transfotamtion
glom(意思同 grab),即将每个分片合成一个数组,用返回的RDD将这些数组作为元素。新RDD的数组数量等于之前的分片数量。这个过程中,partitioner被移除。
Joining, sorting, and grouping data
join((K, (V, W))) 非空
leftOuterJoin (K, (V, Option(W)))
rightOuterJoin (K, (Option(V), W))
fullOuterJoin (K, (Option(V), Option(W))
using subtract(差集)
Using accumulators and broadcast variables to communicate with Spark executors
sending data to executors using broadcast variables(bv)
pair RDD含二元组:keys 和 values。
scala中pair RDD隐式转换为pairRDDFuctions的实例,它有专有的pair RDD操作。
mapValues,只改变pair RDD的值。
Data Partition,是Spark的一种在一个集群的多个结点间分数据的机制。
The number of RDD partitions is important because, in addition to influencing
data distribution throughout the cluster, it also directly determines the number
of tasks that will be running RDD transformations.shffuling时,数据不仅被写到硬盘,而且在网络之间传输。因此,使Spark作业中的shuffle数最小化是重要的。
Every Spark job is divided into stages based on the points where shuffles occur.